
The Tokio Marine Group undertakes local community and social contribution activities across the world, focusing on the three areas of "protection of the global environment", "safety and security", and "growth of young people". These activities emphasize voluntary engagement by employees of the entire group and collaboration with Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) with the know-how and a network required for local community and social contribution activities.

Tokio Marine Group CSR Chater
The Tokio Marine Group is committed to fulfilling its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by implementing its Corporate Philosophy to achieve sustainable growth together with the development of society, in accordance with the following principles:
1. Products and Services
2. Respect for Human Rights and Dignity
3. Protection of the Global Environment
4. Contribution to Communities and Societies
5. Compliance
6. Communication

Growth of Young People

Social Contribution Activities through Foundations

Environmental Education and Enlightenment for Preschool and School Children

Cooperating in the Running of the Special Olympics Nippon National Summer Games

Serving as a Special Sponsor of the JOC Junior Olympic Cup Swimming Tournament

Cooperation for the Internship Program for International Environmental Leaders Jointly Operated by Waseda University and Beijing University

"Meraboshi-no-kai" Volunteer Group

Supporting Young Artists through "Showakai-ten" Art Exhibition

Asian Children's Enikki (Illustrated Diaries) Festa

Participating in Room to Read's Educational Support Program in Developing Countries

Scholarship Program for Children in Thailand

Educational Assistance for Children in China

Asia CSR Day

Safety and Security

Courses to Foster Support for Dementia Care

AED Workshop to Practice Life-Saving Skills

Promoting the Pink Ribbon Movement

Project to Raise Cancer Examination Rates

Collaboration with Japan Deaf-Blind Association

Cooperating in the Running of the Special Olympics Nippon National Summer Games

Working Together with the Sawayaka Welfare Foundation

Participating in the TABLE FOR TWO Charity Initiative Aimed at Achieving an Optimal Food Balance in the World

Contributing to Safety and Security in Local Communities

Providing Japanese-Language Medical Services in the United States

N Program to Support Young Physicians to Gain Clinical Experience in the United States

Cancer Awareness Activities in Dubai for Prevention of Breast Cancer

Protection of the Global Environment

Mangrove Planting Volunteers

Green Lessons: The Mangrove Story

Collaborative Afforestation Efforts in Kochi Prefecture: Tokio Marine & Nichido's Forest for the Future

Children's Environmental Award

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